Para empezar con ALFIN, ella destaca la sesión del dia 13 de agosto de la Sección de la IFLA Information Literacy and Academic and Research Libraries: Return on investment: learners’ outcomes in information literacy. Do they really learn?
- Indicators on ‘information literacy’ and the Information for All programme; a challenge for libraries by Simon Ellis (UNESCO Institute for Statistics)
- Quels enseignements retenir de l'évaluation des competences documentaires des étudiants qui accèdent à l’enseignement supérieur en Communauté française de Belgique? by Bernard Pochet (Gembloux Agricultural University, Gembloux, Belgium) and Paul Thirion (Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium)
- Could learners outcomes in information literacy be measured: pluses and minuses of testing by Natalia Gendina (Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, Kemerovo, Russian Federation)
- More than mere collections: portfolio’s as direct and authentic - assessment of information literacy outcomes by Barbara D'Angelo (Arizona State University, Mesa, USA)
- We have evidence, they are learning: using multiple assessments to measure student information literacy learning outcomes by Gabriela Sonntag (California State University in San Marcos, San Marcos, USA)
- Students’ perspective of the information literacy program offered by the University of the South Pacific by Gwen Noeline Mar (University of the South Pacific Library, Suva, Fiji)
- Appropriation du questionnaire d'auto-évaluation des connaissances informationnelles par les bibliothécaires: le cas des sciences de l'éducation et de l'anthropologie à l'Université de Montréal by J-F Durnin and Catherine Fortier (Montreal University Libraries, Montréal, Canada)
Además de esta sesión dedicada en exclusiva a la ALFIN, Sheila Webber señala tambien estas otras presentaciones de interés:
- Do librarians like to learn online? by Debbi Boden (University of Worcester,Worcester, UK) and Ruth Stubbings (Pilkington Library, University of Loughborough) (Sobre iniciativas de e-learningpara la formación en ALFIN del personal de bibliotecas)
- Information Literacy by Design: An e-Learning Wiki for Librarians by Corinne Laverty (Queen’s University, Canada)y la wiki de la que se trata es:
- Scholarly E-reading Patterns in Australia, Finland, and the United States: A Cross Country Comparison by Carol Tenopir, Concepción s. Wilson, Pertti Vakkari, Sanna Talja and Donald W. King
- An innovative ICT solution to steer rural communities to global understanding: a case study from Durban, South Africa by Elizabeth Greyling (Senior Systems Librarian, eThekwini Municipal Library, Durban, South Africa) and Ronel Smith (Project Leader, Digital Doorway, Meraka Institute, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa)
- Using web 2.0 in the Australian parliaments: the dream and reality, by Roxanne Missingham, Parliamentary Librarian, Australian Parliamentary Library
Sobre el uso de mundos virtuales en los servicios de referencia, se presentan varias comunicaciones, todas ellas destacables:
- Gimmick or groundbreaking? Canadian academic libraries using chat reference in multi-user virtual environments
- The unopened door: the virtual world and reference services reality in the Caribbean
- The value of turning virtual
- The sidewalk is our reference desk: when librarians take to the streets
En la sesión dedicada a Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning, podemos citar:
- Using web 2.0 technologies to develop a sense of community for emerging LIS Professoinals by Bob Glass (Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK)
- Platforms for real-time collaborative learning for practising librarians: using blogs, wikis and e-mailing by Wun Han Chow (National Library of Singapore, Singapore)
- Developing new skills and expertise to support digital scholarship and scholarly communication by Brian Rosenblum (University Kansas, Lawrence, USA)
Debates y comunicaciones que yo destacaría:
Vers une Bibliographie nationale 2.0? Collaboration avec l'usager et usages de la collaboration
Libraries and Web 2.0 Discussion Group: Sharing bibliographic data-reuse and free licenses for the ‘product’ of libraries. Es el primer encuentro del grupo de debate Library and Web 2.0, y el debate se centra en las críticas del Open Knowledge Foundation (ONF) al informe del Working Group for Bibliographic Control of the Library of Congress, porque no se contempla el acceso, re-uso y redistribución de los datos bibliográficos sin restricción. La ONF ha hecho pública su petición de que los datos bibliográficos deberían ser libres para su uso por los usuarios con herramientas de la web 2.0 como Library Thing o el poryecto Open Library. ¿Que puede significar esto para las prácticas bibliotecarias?
- Building capacity for change: new strategies for libraries, new ways of learning – podcasts, webcasts, collaboration software, e-learning and more. STEPHEN ABRAMS (SirsiDynix, Canada) (Presentacion no disponible hasta la fecha)
P.D. (16 de agosto). Estas otras dos presentaciones de Stephen, basadas tambien en: Building capacity for change, las acaba de subir el autor a su blog.
Building Capacity for Learning: Affordable Technology Preparedness
Building Capacity for Change: Transforming Our Associations and Libraries